Thank You to everyone who attended the auditions
We are looking for youth that enjoy singing and want to associate with other young people that share their standards. Choral singing is a team sport, and what we are looking for are singers who can sing in tune and are willing to learn. Previous choir or singing experience helps, but it is ok if you are new to choral singing.
To audition, please fill out the audition form online .
See important policy information below and check out our FAQ page for more details about the choir and how to prepare for your audition.

Additional Information
Everyone interested in being in Rising Generation needs to fill out the audition form here. Returning members won’t need to attend in-person auditions, but we still need to submit the audition form.
The Rising Generation performance season runs concurrently with the 2022-2023 academic year, beginning in August and running until May 2023. Please keep this in mind as you consider your participation and time commitment to the Rising Generation Youth Chorus.
The season begins with a weekend choir retreat in August. All chorus members are expected to attend. Weekly rehearsals are held every Thursday evening from 7-9 PM beginning the week after retreat. We rehearse at the St. Louis Stake Center in Chesterfield (15081 Clayton Rd, Chesterfield, MO).
Chorus members are expected to make a good-faith effort to be at every rehearsal and are required to be at every performance. Rising Generation is a performance group, and therefore consistent rehearsal attendance is super important! We understand there are sometimes unavoidable conflicts, so we have built-in some allowances for periodic absences. These are to be used only if needed and should not exceed four rehearsals per semester. Chorus members who miss more than 4 rehearsals per semester will lose their eligibility to perform. Please keep this attendance policy in mind when you are planning out your semester’s activities. It might be a good idea to keep one absence in reserve for emergencies.
We try to keep costs of participation as low as possible. There will be a $20 materials fee due at the start of the year. Chorus members and parents are expected to participate in periodic fundraisers to help cover the costs of the Chorus.

We cover a lot of ground during rehearsals, but members of the Chorus are also expected to review their music outside of scheduled rehearsal time. We ask that Chorus members dedicate at least 10 minutes a day to their music. This practice can take many forms, including listening to recordings, reading through the words, or practicing your individual part. Just getting into your music in some way every day will make worlds of difference, and you will feel much more prepared come performance time.
Rising Generation is a volunteer-led organization, and we ask all parents to participate in one of the parent committees. These committees assist with some of the logistical needs of the Chorus such as costumes, sets, social media, etc., and allow for the parents to be more directly involved in some very helpful, fun, and creative ways. The parent committees will form at the beginning of the performance season.